Designing the group activity

Purpose: Environmental awareness, teamwork, and problem-solving

Description: "Divide the Trees" is an engaging group activity designed to promote environmental awareness and teamwork among 12-year-old participants. The primary objective is to divide a specified number of trees among the participants while considering various factors such as tree species, growth requirements, and available space.


  1. Pictures or illustrations of different tree species
  2. Large poster paper or whiteboard
  3. Markers or colored pencils
  4. Scissors
  5. Sticky notes or index cards


  1. Introduction (5 minutes): Begin by explaining the importance of trees in the environment, including their role in providing oxygen, reducing carbon dioxide, and supporting biodiversity. Highlight the significance of proper tree placement and diversity for optimal growth and ecosystem health.

  2. Tree Species Overview (10 minutes): Show pictures or illustrations of different tree species, discussing their unique characteristics, growth requirements, and potential benefits (e.g., fruit-bearing trees, shade-providing trees, etc.). Encourage participants to ask questions and engage in a brief discussion about the importance of tree diversity.

  3. Planning Phase (15 minutes): Divide the participants into small groups of 3-5 individuals. Provide each group with a large poster paper or whiteboard, markers, scissors, sticky notes or index cards, and the pictures or illustrations of tree species.

    Instruct the groups to plan the optimal distribution of a specified number of trees among a given space (e.g., a park, a schoolyard). Encourage them to consider factors such as the needs of different tree species, available space, and aesthetic considerations.

    Each group should create a visual representation of their proposed tree distribution on the poster paper using the provided materials. They can use the sticky notes or index cards to label each tree species and indicate its placement.

  4. Presentations and Discussion (20 minutes): Allow each group to present their proposed tree distribution to the rest of the participants. Each group should explain their reasoning behind their choices, emphasizing the importance of diversity and sustainability.

    Facilitate a discussion by asking questions such as:

    • Why did you choose these particular tree species?
    • How did you consider the needs of each species and the available space?
    • What challenges did you encounter during the planning process?
    • How does your tree distribution promote environmental sustainability?

    Encourage participants to provide constructive feedback and ask questions to enhance their understanding of tree diversity and environmental considerations.

  5. Reflection and Conclusion (5 minutes): Conclude the activity with a brief reflection session. Ask participants to share their key takeaways from the activity, emphasizing the importance of teamwork, problem-solving, and environmental stewardship.

    Summarize the main points discussed during the activity and emphasize the significance of tree diversity and responsible tree placement for a healthier environment.

Optional Extension: To further reinforce the concepts learned during the activity, consider organizing a tree-planting event where participants can put their knowledge into practice by planting actual trees in a designated area, such as a community garden or a schoolyard



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