GRADE 7A GROUP WORK -Observing a hibiscus flower

Observing a hibiscus flower can be a delightful experience. Here are the steps you can follow to observe a hibiscus flower:

  1. Choose a suitable hibiscus flower: Look for a hibiscus flower that is fully bloomed and vibrant in color. Ideally, select a flower that is easily accessible for observation.

  2. Prepare your observation area: Find a comfortable and well-lit location to observe the hibiscus flower. Ensure you have adequate lighting to see the flower's details clearly.

  3. Examine the flower's external features: Begin by examining the external features of the hibiscus flower. Observe its overall shape, size, and color. Take note of the petals, which are usually large, colorful, and have a distinct shape. Pay attention to the flower's center, called the pistil, which is usually a prominent structure.

  4. Observe the petals: Look closely at the petals of the hibiscus flower. Note the color variations, patterns, and any unique markings. Observe the texture of the petals, whether they are smooth, velvety, or have hairs or other characteristics.

  5. Investigate the pistil and stigma: Direct your attention to the center of the flower, where the pistil and stigma are located. Observe the shape, color, and size of the pistil. Notice the stigma, which is often protruding from the pistil and can vary in color.

  6. Study the stamens and anthers: Surrounding the pistil, you will find the stamens and anthers. Observe the number of stamens present and their arrangement around the pistil. Examine the anthers, which are small structures located at the tip of the stamens. They usually contain pollen grains.

  7. Note the presence of sepals: Below the petals, you may find sepals, which are leaf-like structures that protect the flower when it is in the bud stage. Observe their shape, size, color, and any unique characteristics.

  8. Take note of the flower's scent: If the hibiscus flower has a fragrance, try to detect its scent. Observe whether the scent is strong or subtle and describe the nature of the fragrance, if possible.

  9. Document your observations: Keep a journal or take notes on what you have observed. You can describe the flower's appearance, colors, patterns, and any other noteworthy details. Sketches or photographs can also be helpful to capture the flower's characteristics.

Remember, each hibiscus flower may have slight variations in its features, so take the time to appreciate the unique qualities of the flower you are observing. Enjoy the beauty and intricacies of nature!

observation of hibiscus flower GRADE 7A student of osaka educational institute gampaha.


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